Hello, my name is Jono Prest

I am an enthusiastic, passionate and hardworking individual. I am stimulated by impactful work, and love problem-solving.

When I'm not writing code or playing music, you can find me adventuring in the outdoors - be it hiking, camping, motorcycling, trail running or rock-climbing.

Currently working in the Web3 space with

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Profile picture of Jono Prest
ReactReduxTypeScriptSolidityRescriptJavaScriptFoundryHardhatHTMLCSS/SCSSNext.jsNode.jsExpress.jsPythonFlaskPandasReportLabMaterial UITailwind CSSBootstrapAWS EC2LambdaS3CloudFrontSESSNSElastic BeanstalkHerokuDockerFirebaseFirestoreRealtime DBFirebase AuthenticationSQLGraphQLGoogle Cloud FunctionsWebpackParcelGit


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This Website

Next.jsTypeScriptReactTailwind CSSDockerAWS EC2AWS S3

The website you are currently looking at is a server side rendered Next.js application written in TypeScript and Tailwind CSS. It contains an API for managing the email handling on the contact page. Take a look at the source code on GitHub.

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RocketHour LMS

ReactReduxFirebaseMaterial UIGoogle FunctionsAWS S3Python Flask

I developed a system used by's Online Code Tutoring platform for children and teens called "RocketHour". The RocketHour "LaunchPad" is a custom Learning Management System that is geared towards teaching a live online class. Students log in and navigate through interactive lessons while tutors receive live feedback on their students progress throughout the lesson.

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Next Integration Reporting System

PythonPandasReportlabAWS LAMBDAAWS SESAWS S3

I designed and developed a system for Next Integration that interfaces with a number of machines on a cement mixing plant. It queries multiple databases, performs data cleaning, and merges them into single dataframe where it gets summariesd. It then gets marked up in ReportLab and sent as an attached pdf via email.

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Local Healthy Ethical Ordering Platform


I designed and developed a platform for Local Healthy Ethical to automate the collection of members' orders through a sign in shop, and for administrators to place orders with distributors. It also provides an interface to generate and edit invoices send to customers.